Video Production

Filming an Agricultural Conference

Filming an Agricultural Conference


A leading professional organization in the agriculture industry, with approximately 1,800 members, including educators, scientists, extension specialists, industry researchers, administrators, producers, and college students, has established itself as a top authority in the field. This organization is crucial in advancing the agriculture sector through significant contributions to research and developing safer, more nutritious food products. The organization serves as a premier clearinghouse and publisher of primary and applied agricultural research. The research findings published in its journals have been instrumental in the rapid growth and maturation of the meat and egg industries. Additionally, agriculture-related research has advanced the understanding of human health and nutrition. The organization enlisted our professional video production services to film all main sessions for their annual four-day event. They aimed to ensure that their high-quality presentations and research findings were captured flawlessly for future reference and broader reach.


The organization needed to outsource a trusted team to handle all aspects of video production for their annual four-day event, as they did not have an internal video crew. While highly skilled in their respective fields, their team did not specialize in audiovisual (A/V) or video production. The event's extensive schedule required dedicated professionals to capture the vast amount of conference material. Additionally, logistical arrangements were necessary, including setting up camera platforms/risers, ensuring audio connectivity to the A/V desks, and providing dedicated power supplies. Moreover, the management of recorded content was crucial. This included transferring recordings onto hard drives and backing up the content to ensure it was secure.


To address the challenges faced by the organization, we implemented a comprehensive approach to ensure seamless video production throughout their four-day event. We brought our professional camera crew to manage all conference rooms requiring content recording. Each room has Sony FX6 cameras with 600mm lenses to handle the distance from the stage to the back of the large ballrooms. This setup provided redundancy, ensuring we had backup footage and flexibility for editing. Our team managed all logistical issues within each room, coordinating closely with the hotel A/V team to resolve technical challenges. We also backed up the recorded files, ensuring all content was securely stored. To keep the client comfortable and informed, we maintained constant communication and held several meetings leading up to and during the event. This transparency ensured the client was always in the loop. Additionally, we stepped in to assist with other technical needs beyond our core responsibilities to support the client's goal of a successful event.


The outcome of our collaboration with the organization was highly successful, meeting their expectations and positioning ourselves as a trusted partner for the event's video production. Our professional approach ensured that all main sessions across the four-day event were captured flawlessly. Dual cameras in each room provided high-quality, flexible footage that could be easily edited. The redundancy also meant a significantly reduced risk of losing valuable content. In coordination with the hotel A/V team, our efficient management of logistical issues ensured smooth operations throughout the event. The backup of recorded files was handled securely, giving the client peace of mind that all their content was safe. The client appreciated our transparent communication and the additional support we provided. We built a strong trust relationship by keeping them in the loop through emails and meetings. Our willingness to assist with other technical needs demonstrated our commitment to their success.

Filming an Agricultural Conference
Filming an Agricultural Conference

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