Company Meetings Can Look Amazing

When you have something important to say, add some production to your meeting to keep everyone's attention.

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add production
to your meetings

Town halls, revenue kickoffs, and company-wide meetings should make team members feel part of something big.

Virtual Event

We are your production partner to create live streams into your event platform and run production throughout your meeting schedule.

Up To 8 Hours Per Day
Virtual Live Streaming Studio
Branding Customization
Video Content Playback
Managed Q&A / Polling
Customizable Attendee Volume
Always Included:
60-Minute Rehearsal
Meeting Speaker Management
Backstage Communication
Meeting Recording
Schedule a Call


We are your Zoom production partner to setup, manage, test, and run production on the Zoom platform throughout your meeting schedule.

Up To 8 Hours Per Day
Registration Setup
Basic Branding
Attendee Analytics
Managed Q&A / Polling
Breakout Room Setup
Always Included:
60-Minute Rehearsal
Meeting Speaker Management
Backstage Communication
Meeting Recording
Schedule a Call

MEETINGS Never Looked SO Good!


We meet with the management team to understand the topics of your meeting. We will then work with you to gather or create content that is designed to drive the core motivations for the meeting.


We will run your meeting from behind-the-scenes. Key speakers, content, music, etc will be put on stage as scheduled to keep up the energy throughout the meeting. You just need to show up ready and we do the rest.

Post MEETING Support

After the meeting is complete, we can provide you with a recording, split sessions, and analytics. This is ideal for sharing with those that could not attend your meeting.

We have created 100+ meetings

We have been fortunately to produce many meetings for our customers. Here is what they've said:

John Anderson

Everything went smoothly on the day and on the days of prep. Mike and his team are very responsive and have a good understanding of our business and event goals. They do a great job!

Emily Siemens

We have been very pleased with the services of Parasol Video over the past year as we completely relied on their staff who were extremely knowledgeable and dependable. The one thing you absolutely need when running virtual events is that feeling of security. Parasol’s team is able to provide that because they stay on top of all aspects of the event. We would use them again in a heartbeat.

Michael Lesly

Mike and his team, as usual, did an amazing job editing, scheduling, and of course, helping us schedule three last-minute virtual events.

Alex Noon

Mike and his team, as usual, did an amazing job editing, scheduling, and of course, helping us schedule three last-minute virtual events.

Rachel Simpson

Mike and his team, as usual, did an amazing job editing, scheduling, and of course, helping us schedule three last-minute virtual events.

Chris Howard

Mike and his team, as usual, did an amazing job editing, scheduling, and of course, helping us schedule three last-minute virtual events.

Emma Petterson

Pre-recording session and the live sessions on the day of the event went off with no issues and the Parasol staff conduct themselves professionally and work well with our speakers.

Alex Caron

Mike and his team, as usual, did an amazing job editing, scheduling, and of course, helping us schedule three last-minute virtual events.

Nick Robinson

Mike and his team, as usual, did an amazing job editing, scheduling, and of course, helping us schedule three last-minute virtual events.

David Lite

We are excited and proud to partner with Parasol Video. Their experience with virtual events and their global team of live streaming experts set them apart as an event production company. They have been nimble to adapt to virtual and hybrid events in the wake of the global pandemic.

Sophie Kyle

Mike and his team, as usual, did an amazing job editing, scheduling, and of course, helping us schedule three last-minute virtual events.

Tom Green

Mike and his team, as usual, did an amazing job editing, scheduling, and of course, helping us schedule three last-minute virtual events.

Is Video production just overkill for our meeting?

Not at all! When you add production to your company meeting, everything is elevated for your brand and your team.

When companies overlook their team's experience during meetings, they can cause people to forget what they are working towards.

Some of the best company meetings we have been part of have focused on the experience. Remember these meetings rally the troops around a common goal and move the company in a unified direction. Team members need to leave feeling pumped and ready to take on the challenges required to deliver.

Production can help to drive that feeling.

Schedule a Call Now

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the things that our clients asked us before initially working with us.

What is the benefit of production for a company meeting?

You company is always on display; whether in-front of customers or just for the team. So it is always open to scrutiny. If you staff know that you don't do anything by half measure, then that positively rubs off on their attitude, and results in a better work ethic.

When people feel that they work somewhere special, they want to help maintain the cause of that feeling.

Production opens up a lot of doors for stepping up the quality of meetings. You never want your meetings to be perceived as "boring" when you have important things to say. By adding production you can play videos, add animated graphics, engage your audience with interactive polls, and so much more!

Do I need to add a special platform?

That depends on how many people are attending the meeting and what type of meeting you are looking to run.

Some of our clients insist on being able to see everyone's faces through webcam, and they have over 300 people joining from around the world. In that case, we recommend using something with the least friction such as Zoom. Believe it or not, we actually have a process for playing content in those platforms that make it feel more polished.

If your meeting is taking on more of a town hall structure, then we have some platforms that we recommend that will deliver a seamless meeting, free from the public, but with high production value.

How much does meeting production cost?

It really depends on the company meeting length, the amount of production support required, and the platforms used.

A typical 60 minute meeting or town hall starts from $950.

If you are interested in getting an estimate for your company meeting from the Parasol team, please reach out to us at

Will our meeting be recorded?

Yes. We typically record meetings so that teams can access it on-demand later on. We can also split up the content so that the meeting can be delivered in bite-size videos which is ideal for meetings that cover various topics.

Virtual Events run Easier with Parasol

Event professionals all over the world trust our team for their virtual events and webinars because we always work tirelessly to delivery on their vision. No exceptions.

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